February 12, 2010

Others don't care? Incorrect! There are select few whom I still matter to.

A day in that is filled with burning combustion is always a grand day, indeed! For within such days I breathe in more smoke of the sages than the tainted oxygen of our society. The combustion of the elders enables the cracking open of the mind; realms. The combustion of the elders enables the clarification of rationality; reflection. Said days are filled with knowledge and idiocy, learning and forgetting, achievement and struggle, cleanliness and filth, growth and regression, might and weakness, giving and taking, happiness and fear, love and rage; all utterly trapped in a chaotic maelstrom that at its end has left a single thing behind. This thing that had been lost to me for all too long; forever-age. Still, it is never quite as satisfying as that waterfall that calls herself hope, and will never compare to that endless garden that calls herself love. However, it does remind me of their true emotion; reality. This thing is the embrace that calls itself reassurance. The resolve gained from its embrace is nothing short of immense, and confidence is restored with ecstatic haste. Others do still care.

-Magmatide; December 24, 2009 ~ 1:10 am

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